CUSTOM BUILT FRONTLINE LAGOON VILLA![]()
Rare opportunity to design and build a substantial FRONT LINE Villa on the Crystal Lagoon
Plot 489m², Villa build 173m², basement 173m² + roof solarium & pool
FAB VIEWS & BEST LOCATION – €1,100,000 +iva & taxes – SOLD
Working with our architects this is the perfect opportunity to design the villa of your dreams. You have a blank canvas to create a villa to suit your families personal requirements. The villa build is licensed for 173m², but this also includes a basement of 173m² which you could split into a number of rooms:- cinema room, office, gym, wine cellar, rumpus room for the kids or grandkids, storage, car parking or extra bedroom accommodation. The options are available, so you can chose exactly how you would use this large space.
The design team will also help you choose all materials and finishes.
The icing on the cake is the location, FRONTLINE CRYSTAL LAGOON – wake up every morning to a view of the lagoon!
Call, email or WhatsApp +34 711 01 77 31 for further info & floor plans
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