Environmental Responsibility

Santa Rosalia Environment

Santa Rosalia Property:-

Santa Rosalia Lake and Life Resort truly understands the concerns of water consumption in the region and has worked hard in order to ensure the sustainability of the Resort with different measures.

The company ‘Crystal Lagoons’ was selected for the design and maintenance of the lake and their proven worldwide track record of maintaining these type of leisure Lagoons.

The lagoon has a closed-circuit system that purifies and reuses water, so this does not require renewal of the water resource beyond evaporation. The filtration technology allows up to 100 times less chemicals than those used in conventional swimming pools and only consumes 2% of energy used by conventional swimming pool filtration systems. The water used for the lake is desalinated water as this technology is the most efficient in the world and ensures the lake uses 30 times less water than needed for an 18-hole golf course!

Beyond this information, we have worked hard to ensure other important measures regarding the sustainability of the Santa Rosalia Project.

Santa Rosalía is planted mostly with native Mediterranean vegetation selected for its beauty and low water consumption. Careful landscaping blends planted areas with areas of artificial grass, natural and volcanic stone, gravel, sand, etc. for sustainable maintenance.

Trees are a natural filter for air pollution, sequestering CO2 and transforming it into oxygen. Their branches and foliage create shade and retain moisture, keeping the atmosphere cooler. Planting trees purifies the air, protects the soil, and creates a more pleasant environment.

There’s no better way to start living in Santa Rosalía, than reducing our carbon footprint and breathing cleaner air. Beyond more than 5.000 trees we have planted in Santa Rosalia, we will plant another tree for each of our customers.

The Lake stores desalinated water for recreational use. In addition, it is responsible for filling the northern lake to up to 70% of its capacity. The remaining 30% is filled with brackish water from the regional irrigation channel that is rescued with a high amount of nutrients. The mixture of both waters is used to cover the water needs of La Reserva (the central park built in Santa Rosalia) by means of a drip irrigation system, which guarantees the precise and efficient use of water.

Many of the nutrients recovered are consumed by the trees and other plant species on the resort, removed from the water cycle. Both lakes function as urban sustainable drainage systems (USDS) by collecting rainwater for reuse. The Lake also partly offsets water evaporation.

LED lighting is installed throughout the resort, controlled with solar timers and low energy consumption.

Santa Rosalía has a waste separating system for collecting paper and cardboard, packaging and plastic, glass, and other types of waste. Little things mean a lot when it comes to changing the world.

It is crucial the resort put’s in place and practices these measures in order to ensure the sustainability of Santa Rosalia Lake and Life Resort for generations now and in the future.